Company profile:
Zurich Instruments develops and manufactures advanced products for Quantum Computing and Periodic Signal Measurement.
Based in Zurich, Switzerland, with subsidiaries and offices in Germany, Japan, USA, South Korea, France, and China, we are committed to providing high-quality instrumentation and direct support to our international customers, scientists, and technologists who are dedicated to measuring complex phenomena using our instruments. Our product range includes Quantum computing control systems, Lock-in amplifiers, Arbitrary waveform generators, Impedance analyzers, Phase-locked loops, Digitizers, and Boxcar averagers. Our team comprises individuals who are passionate about technology and work together with a collaborative and innovative approach. As part of the Rohde & Schwarz family, we are a high-end instrumentation company with steady growth, and we're always looking for talented individuals who thrive on challenges and want to shape the future of technology alongside us!

Zurich Instruments produces scientific instruments that integrate the finest analog front ends with fast and sophisticated digital signal processors. Find out more on our website here.

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More information about Zurich Instruments can be found in our Whitepaper gallery.

Contact us:
Zurich Instruments
+41 44 515 04 10
Sales offices or branches

Zurich Instruments AGTechnoparkstraße 1
8005 Zürich
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