PhotonicsViews 0 / 2021

0/2021 • Seite 1
PhotonicsViews Special Issue
Cover Picture: PhotonicsViews S1/2021
Contents: PhotonicsViews S1/2021
Things Are Moving Forward: No Laser Applications Forum, no face‐to‐face meetings, but R&D continues!
- Pages: 1
Process Monitoring and Quality Assurance
Process Monitoring
Online Monitoring in WAAM: Using a two colored pyrometric camera for temperature field monitoring in wire arc additive manufacturing
- Pages: 2-3
- References
Optical Measurement Technology
Digital Holographic Measurement System: Robust digital holographic measurement system for production environments
- Pages: 4-5
- References
Additive Manufacturing
Melt Pool Width Monitoring: In‐situ measurement of the melt pool width in powder bed fusion processes
- Pages: 6-7
- References
Optical Measurement Technology
Measurement of High‐Precision Components: Testing of specular surfaces with phase‐measuring deflectometry
- Pages: 8-9
- References
Process Monitoring
Characterization of the Powder Jet in LMD Processes
- Pages: 10-11
Additive Manufacturing
Process Monitoring
Closed‐Loop Control of Penetration Depth in Wire‐Based Laser Cladding
- Pages: 12-13
- References
Additive Manufacturing
Directed Energy Deposition with Aluminum Alloy: Directed energy deposition of high‐strength aluminum alloy with local hard particle reinforcement
- Pages: 14-15
Laser Cladding
Hard Particle Reinforcement for Micro‐forming Tools: Hard particle reinforcement of microforming tools via laser melt injection for improved wear resistance
- Pages: 16-17
- References
Surface Modification
Laser Micromachining
Laser Chemical Machining with High Process Pressure: Increase of the removal rate in laser chemical machining by increasing the process pressure
- Pages: 18-19
- References
Laser Melt Injection
Generating MMC Coatings by Laser Melt Injection at High Process Speeds: Reinforcing highly thermally conductive copper tools for pressure die casting by fused tungsten carbide particles
- Pages: 20-21
Laser Materials Processing
Increased Laser Polishing Rates of LPBF Components: High path overlaps to reduce surface features at laser polishing of LPBF components with high process speeds
- Lucas‐H. Beste
- Florian Schadewald
- Tim Radel
- Brodan Richter
- Patrick J. Faue
- Frank E. Pfefferkorn
- Frank Vollertsen
- Pages: 22-23
Laser Micromachining
Laser Structuring of PVD Multilayer Systems: Enhancement of tribological properties by generation of dimple arrays
- Pages: 24-25
Process Monitoring
Implementation of a Synchronized Multi‐method Process Observation in Deep Penetration Laser Welding
- Pages: 26-27
- References
Laser Materials Processing
Laser Brazing with Wire Oscillation: A new approach for increasing the optical seam edge quality
- Pages: 28-29
- References
Laser Keyhole Brazing: Energy‐efficient brazing using the deep penetration effect in combination with two‐dimensional beam oscillation
- Pages: 30-31
- References
Buyers' Guide
- Pages: 32-34
Index & Masthead
- Pages: 37